California Asbestos Testing Laws
10/13/2020 (Permalink)
A common misconception customers have is that their home does not require asbestos testing. However, there are certain laws and regulations in place regarding when it is required.
First: What is asbestos? Asbestos occurs naturally in the environment around the world, including Central and Northern California. The term asbestos refers to several varieties of mineral fibers that are mined and processed for commercial uses around the world. Because asbestos fibers are microscopic, lightweight, and are extremely resistant to heat and chemicals, asbestos became a valued building material throughout the 1900s. Although asbestos is no longer used in building materials, many older structures still contain the substance. Asbestos is most commonly found in ceiling insulation, but it is also often found in other materials, including:
- Dry wall joint patching compounds
- Stove or pipe insulation
- Floor tiles
- Furnaces and duct work
- Roofing materials
Second: When is asbestos testing required?
According to District Rule 1206, regarding residential facilities, "A regulated residential facility is any building, condominium, or apartment that contains more than four dwelling units. A regulated residential facility is also a group of buildings located on the same property and managed by a common entity, even when there are fewer than four dwelling units in each building."
For individual homes, there is no exact year where testing is required. However many companies will not perform demo in homes built before 1986 for the safety of